We planned to raise the performance of artisans and operators of MSMEs, especially the practitioners, among the Muslim community by putting together courses such as:
Let’s Meet A Guru: It is a day visit by a professional in the selected areas of vocational and technical skills work for continuous learning and mentoring on their trade and occupational areas; we also intend to have business training workshops and seminars (a day event series) for the development of artisans and MSME owners on business formalization, documentation and certification processes as the easy way for them to get C.A.C and trade test registrations done with less stress; organize certificate course in Marketing and Client Relations Management, formation and management of artisans clustering and cooperative thrift for their financial growth and development, vocational, entrepreneurship and technical skill upgrade training courses for continuous improvement Upskill, skill update, re-skill and multitasking skill – a weeklong course in any of the chosen aspect of trade/occupation and financial intelligence check for artisans towards business and trade sustainability for their total business transformation